The consumer experience is not limited to an activity being performed at a certain place. Whether it is going to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster movie, playing golf at a local course or catching the latest performance of your favourite band, it isn’t limited to the venue. It starts from online searches and continues well after the activity is completed. Consumers expect a synchronised and personalised digital experience, that intertwines with and adds value to their activity. 

For amusement parks and entertainment centres, consumers want to be in a single, seamless environment, accessed through a common online portal. They want to plan their full itneraries and make all bookings via the same portal. They expect customized deals, curated but comprehensive content as well additonal fun and interactive features, all accessible on their mobiles as well.

Challenge: An amusement park franchise wanted to improve revenue, reduce operation costs, and get customers to promote their experiences.

Solution: We developed a customer journey map for an amusement park franchise and identified three initiatives to improve the customer experience: digital inbound marketing, mobile entertainment app, and digital loyalty program. 

Benefits: 54% greater return on marketing investment, 56% more cross-sell and up-sell revenue and 3.5 times greater referral revenue.

Digital Marketing

Provide relevant content on landing pages and improve social media, SEO, SEM, SERP to help convert consumers into customers.

Mobile App

Feature set to include wayfinding (i.e. helping people navigate the venue, finding parked cars, etc); time and location-based offers; electronic booking and payment and a loyalty program.

Mobile Loyalty App

Digital Loyalty App

Used to build a customer database, track attendance and provide relevant, timely and location-specific rewards