Implementing Engaging Customer Touchpoints

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Researchers found that 93% of companies fail to implement customer journeys successfully. Improving the customer journey requires businesses to go through three stages: 1. Mapping & Planning; 2. Experience Design; and 3. Solution Delivery. In this article and accompanying video, we briefly describe what needs to be done to improve touchpoints along the customer journey.

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The Financial Cost of Medication Nonadherence and its Impact on Study Compliance

When patients skip doses, take medications off schedule or don’t adhere to trial requirements, Clinical Trials and Research Studies can arrive at erroneous conclusions. Although new trial designs and methods of statistical analysis have indirectly addressed the issue, medication nonadherence and trial noncompliance continues to persist, contributing to rising clinical trial costs.

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The Role of Mobile Health Apps in Healthcare’s Digital Future

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To unlock the potential of mobile, providers and payers need to first understand patients' digital preferences in both channel and service. Contrary to popular belief, a McKinsey global study showed that it wasn't important to have a comprehensive platform with offerings. Highly innovative, fancy mobile health apps and wearables were found to be less important to people than simple, straightforward mobile health tools.

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